I know this is a beauty and skincare blog, but I can't help but feel the need to put out a post regarding COVID 19. After all, the more I try and forget about it, the more it is in my face everywhere I turn. We are all in uncertain times, but if we work together, we will all get through this. Below are some common questions regarding COVID 19.
What is COVID 19?

*It is a virus, with its full capacity not fully understood yet.
*This virus was first detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China and the first infections were linked to a live animal market.
*It can be transmitted from person to person usually when within 6 feet of each other.
*It is transmitted through droplets when an infected person sneezes or coughs and others inhale these droplets.
*It can be transmitted if a person touches an infected surface and then touches their face, mouth or eyes.
What are the symptoms of COVID 19?

*Difficulty breathing
*Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure
Who is at the greatest risk of COVID 19?

*Older adults and those with underlying health conditions
*Immunocompromised people
What should I do if I think I'm infected?

*Call your doctor. Do not go in as this increases potential spread.
*Keep yourself isolated and away from others for 14 days.
*Get tested once you no longer have symptoms to ensure you are no longer carrying the virus with the potential to spread it .
*If you need to go to the hospital, call ahead of time so healthcare workers can take necessary precautions for when you arrive. Wear a mask as this may trap any droplets from your cough inside decreasing the risk of exposure to others.
What precautions should we take to prevent contracting and the spread of COVID 19?

*Wash your hands frequently. Do not touch your face, eyes or mouth.
*If you have been around someone with COVID 19, then you may be infected and need to self isolate for up to 14 days to be sure.
*Call your doctor to see if you can get testing to confirm or deny if you are infected.
*Do not travel and wear a mask if you cannot avoid coming in contact with people i.e. your family.
*Practice social distancing i.e. 6 feet away from others.
